Current Research Opportunities
PATSA is often contacted by researchers both large and small, who are looking for research participants of those diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome and their family members.
****Several of those studies are listed here, however by listing these research opportunities on our website, PATSA does not imply endorsement of any research study and encourages all interested participants to review for themselves the research information before agreeing to participate in any study.
- ARCHER Study
- Control of Repetitive Behaviors CHOP
- D1AMOND Study
- New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome Sharing Repository
- Tic Detector–Johns Hopkins Study
- Nutritional Survey
- Nutritional Survey in Espanol
(Current Researchers–if you would like your research opportunity to be listed here, please send information to, Thank you! In most cases we can also send out your information to our list of over 700 email addresses.)