
Senior Projects

ridley backfield
In 2010, Jeff Keily created "Jeff Tackles Tourette's" and raised over $8,000 in donations from friends and family members for each time he made a tackle during his senior football season!

Want your Senior Service Project to support a cause you care about?  Why not do something to promote awareness of Tourette Syndrome?

There are many ideas that you could utilize from awareness and education activities to fundraisers!  Think of an activity you like to do and chances are you can make that into a fun, fundraising event!!  

Here are just a few examples:

  • Baby Photo Contest
  • Dance Competition
  • Bowl-a-Thon
  • Sporting Event
  • Story/Poetry Contest
  • Bake/Yard Sale

You can also refer to our new brochure for more ideas here.  

If you have questions contact sherrie@patsainc.org.  We have some volunteers who are willing to help you brainstorm your ideas and point you in the right direction!!